Friday, February 13, 2009

Morale Police or a buncha Jerks??

These days some people might be afraid to go out and enjoy their evening in pub or a bar not because they have a fear of terror attack ( that is something which cannot be counted out though) but because of some very ethical people who unethically beat up guys/girls sitting in a pub/disc under the name of morale policing. There could be other ways of letting people know of our age old Indian tradition where women is supposed to be at home but these genius minds refuse to take any of those and rather feel that beating up helpless girls is the coolest way to let the world know who's the boss. WTF??
I want to ask this Morale police where were they when innocent people laid their lives in Mumbai terror attack? Why were they hiding inside their houses with the little tail between their legs? Does the morale police only mean beating up innocent people just for the reason that they are drinking in a pub and let go the terrorists who are drinking the blood of the whole society.
We are living in the 21st century and talk about growth of our country but if we continue to have such jerks in our society there is very little chance of us moving forward in the right direction.

1 comment:

Ajeet said...

The Feeling you put is echoed by lots of us. But where do we go from here.